Donating blood while breastfeeding


Yes , you can donate blood six weeks after giving birth. Delivery can take a toll on the body whether its vaginal or c-section. You will need time to recover  and regain the circulating red blood cells lost during delivery.

donating blood

The American Red Cross  will allow nursing moms to donate blood  if its at least six weeks since they  delivered. This is assuming you  you’re not at risk for anemia or other medical problems.


Some  moms worry about getting an infection after blood donation. However a sterile technique is used for donating blood and the risk of an infection from blood donation is extremely low  and no greater than  when you have blood drawn at the doctor’s office.


You lose hydration when you donate blood. Since your breastfeeding is dependent on being hydrated, you should drink water before and after donating blood. You can also have a 200- to 300-calorie snack before or after to help you feel better.



Content Sources
Is it safe to donate blood if I am breastfeeding? Baby Center. Accessed July 12th, 2018

Is It Safe to Donate Blood While Breastfeeding? Livestrong. Accessed July 12th, 2018

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