Premature birth is birth that takes place before pregnancy week 37. It gives babies less time to develop in the womb and puts them at risk of medical issues.
Who is at risk of premature birth ?
The exact cause of premature birth is unknown. However certain factors may increase your risk . These include the following :
- previous premature birth
- carrying multiples
- conceiving through invtro fertilization
- an interval of less than 6 month between pregnancies
- poor nutrition
- problems with the placenta, cervix and uetrus
- certain maternal conditions such as
- high blood pressure
- diabetes
- sexually transmitted diseases STD
- blood clotting disorders
- being underweight or overweight before pregnancy
- smoking cigarette or using illicit drugs during pregnancy
- infections especially of the amniotic fluid or lower genital tract
- stressful life events such as death of a loved one or domestic abuse
- maternal age which is being younger than 17 and 35 years or older
- recurrent miscarriages or abortions
- physical injury or trauma
For some unknown reasons, black women are at higher risk of premature delivery than women of other races. You have to know that premature birth can happen to anyone. Most women who had premature deliveries had no known risk factors.
How can i reduce my risk of premature delivery ?
These tips can help you reduce your risk of having a premature baby.
- do not smoke drink or use illegal drugs drus
- keep all chronic conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes under control
- maintain a healthy weight
- keep all your prenatal appointments
- protect yourself from infections by practicing safe sex and washing your hands with soap and water. You should also avoid touching cat feces during pregnancy. Know what foods to avoid during pregnancy
- reduce stress
- it is best to wait at least 18 to 23 moths after your previous pregnancy to get pregnant again
If you have any concerns about having a premature birth, talk to your health care provider
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