Heat stroke is a life threatening condition. It is caused by over heating of the body  . This means the temperature of the body rises while it’s ability to cool down is shut off.  This condition requires an emergency treatment . If left untreated it can lead to death. Babies and young kids are susceptible to heat stroke.
heat stroke

How can my baby get heat stroke ?

There are various ways in which your baby can get heat stroke. These include :

  • baby being outside for a long time in an extremely hot weather
  • dressing baby too warmly
  • baby riding in a very hot car
  • leaving baby in a parked car

You should note that heat stroke occur within minutes in a car. This is because the temperature in a car climbs high much quicker than outside.


What are the signs of heat stroke in a baby ?

Your baby will start to show signs of heat exhaustion before he shows signs of heat stroke. Heat exhaustion is milder and you may notice that the baby is unusually thirsty or tired. His skin may be cool and moist. He may also complain of leg and abdominal cramps if the baby is old enough to talk.


Heat exhaustion will then progress into heat stroke which is characterized by the following:

  • temperature of 103 degrees Fahrenheit (39.4 degrees Celsius) or higher with no sweating involved
  • nausea and vomiting
  • confusion
  • rapid, shallow  breathing
  • flushed skin  which is hot , red skin
  • lethargy
  • dizziness
  • headache
  • lethargy
  • unconsciousness


Your baby may also show signs of dehydration.

Time is very critical if your baby is suffering from heat stroke. You need to bring the baby’s core temperature down. First you need to call 911. Then undress the baby and put him a cool place. Use a wash cloth or rag dipped in cool water and sponge  the baby down. You can also use an electric fan or just fan him with anything in your hand like a magazine.


Don’t give your baby anything to drink. You should also note that giving the baby acetaminophen will not lower temperature brought on by heat stroke.


If your baby shows signs of heat exhaustion but  has not progressed to heat stroke, bring him inside to a very cool preferably air-conditioned room. Give him plenty of breast milk  or formula. If he is a little older than four months, you can give him some water.  You can give the baby a cool bath and keep him indoors for the rest of the day.


If the baby’s condition does not improve, send the baby to the emergency room.


Ways to keep your baby from getting heat stroke ?

Take these tips to protect your baby from heat stroke

  • dress baby in light, loose-fitting clothing
  • keep baby in the shade when he is outside
  • it is important that the baby stays cool during car rides
  • give baby more fluids than usually on hot, humid days
  • keep the baby indoors when the weather is extremely hot


Content Sources
Heat stroke in babies. Baby Center. http://www.babycenter.com/0_heat-stroke_416.bc. Accessed July 19, 2015
Heat stroke. Mayo Foundation. http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/heat-stroke/basics/definition/con-20032814. Accessed July 19, 2015
Heat stroke. WebMD. http://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/heat-stroke-symptoms-and-treatment. Accessed July 19, 2015

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