Inducing labor is  when your birthing process is started artificially through medical intervention and other processes. An elective induction is when labor is induced not because of medical reasons but for convenience purposes or to accommodate a  busy schedule. However, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends that labor should be induced only when it is not safe for baby to remain in utero.

inducing labor

What are some of the medical reasons for inducing labor ?


Some of the reasons why labor may be induced include the following :

  • when you encounter complications such as preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, hypertension, heart disease or bleeding
  • not enough fluid around the baby ( oligohydramnios )
  • chorioamnionitis which is infection inside  the uterus
  • your amniotic sac raptures but labor has not started with 24 to 48 hours
  • you are two weeks beyond your due date and labor has not started
  • baby is not growing as expected
  • when the placenta peels away from the inner walls of the uterus before delivery either partially or completely (placental abruption)


What are the risks associated with inducing labor ?


Being induced increases your risk for the following :

  • the need for a c-section
  • low heart rate in the baby
  • umbilical cord problems such as umbilical cord prolapse
  • premature birth if labor is induced too early
  • infection as a result of breaking water or placing a balloon catheter or seaweed rods into the cervix
  • postpartum bleeding
  • in rare cases , uterine rapture which is when the baby breaks through the wall of the uterus into the mother’s abdominal cavity


How is labor induced ?


Labor can be induced in the following ways


Medications : These include :

  • ripening of the cervix using medications. The medicine may come as a pill taken orally or suppository placed in the vagina against the cervix
  • oxytocin which is given through an IV in low doses to stimulate contraction

Artificial rapture of membrane  – AROM : This is when the  health care providers uses  a sterile , plastic thin hook  to break the amniotic sac holding the baby. It is usually not painful but you will feel a gush of warm fluid from your vagina.


Stripping of membranes : This can be done at the doctor’s office. Your health care provider puts a gloved finger through your vagina and separate the amniotic sac that holds the baby from the uterus. This will trigger some cramping and spotting.


Natural : Labor can be induced naturally through nipple stimulation. This can be done with an electric pump  or naturally. This process releases the hormone oxytocin  which naturally induces labor.


You should note that you can request an epidural anesthetic or some other form of pain relief if needed.
Content Sources

Inducing labor.American Pregnancy Association. Accessed September 29, 2014
Inducing labor: When to wait, when to induce. Mayo Foundation. Accessed September 29, 2014
Inducing labor. March of Dimes. Accessed September 29, 2014

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