Spina bifida  is neural tube defect that affect the spine and is usually apparent at birth. It develops during  the fist month of pregnancy . Spina bifida can occur anywhere on the spine when the spinal column does not close all the way. It can cause moderate to severe physical and intellectual disabilities.
spina bifida

Who is at risk ?

Every pregnant woman is at risk for birth defects but the risk for neural tube defects  increases if you fall in the following category.

  • a previous pregnancy affected by neural tube defects
  • have maternal insulin dependant diabetes
  • obese
  • use certain anti seizure medications such as Carbamazapine/Tegretol
  • had high temperature in early pregnancy such as prolonged fever or use of hot tubs
  • white race
  • lower socioeconomic status


What is the effect of spina bifida on my baby ?

Spina bifida has a different effect on every child. Most children who develop the severe form have fluid buildup in the brain known as hydrocephalus. In this case , the child will need surgery to insert a shunt that drains the fluid. The shunt will remain in place for the lifetime of the child.


Spina bifida may also cause the following :

  • learning disabilities
  • full or partial paralysis
  • difficulties controlling bladder and bowel
  • latex allergy
  • depression
  • sexual problems
  • social issues


How is spinal bifida diagnosed ?

Spina bifida is one of several birth defects that is screened using the  alpha fetoprotein  AFP or triple test. High levels of AFP  may be a sign of neural tube defects and further testing is required. Keep note that a high level of AFP may not always indicate a neural tube defect. An amniocentesis may further be used to confirm a suspected spina bifida.


How is spina bifida treated ?


Treatment of spina bifida depends on the severity and may be different for each person. Some kids may need surgery during the first couple days of life while others may need surgery later in their  infancy. Some kids may also need more treatment than others.


Can spina bifida be prevented ?

Taking 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid daily is the best way to prevent spina bifida. Studies show that pregnant women who take multivitamin with B vitamin folic acid reduce their risk for neural tube defects by 70 %.


Folic acid is water-soluble and therefore does not stay in the body for long. It is therefore important to take this vitamin daily to prevent neural tube defects.


Since about half of all pregnancies are unplanned, it is essential for all women of child-bearing age to take  400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid every day to reduce their risk of having a child with spina bifida.


NOTE : Women who are at high risk of neural tube defects  need a higher folic acid intake. These women need to take a dose which is about 10 x higher when planning to get pregnant. This amount is only available by prescription from your healthcare provider and is 4000 micrograms (mcg) folic acid


Content Sources
Spina bifida. American Pregnancy Association .http://americanpregnancy.org/birth-defects/spina-bifida/ . http://americanpregnancy.org/prenatal-testing/ultrasound/. Accessed November 5, 2014
Spina bifida. The Nemours Foundation. http://kidshealth.org/parent/system/ill/spina_bifida.html#. Accessed November 5, 2014
Spina bifida. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/spinabifida/facts.html. Accessed November 5, 2014

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