Heartburn is a burning sensation or irritation in the esophagus caused by reflux of stomach contents from the stomach. It  is common during pregnancy especially during the second and third trimesters.  This is because pressure from the growing uterus puts pressure on the intestines and the stomach. As a result stomach contents are pushed back into the esophagus. Heartburn  is also known as acid indigestion.

What are the causes of heartburn during pregnancy ?


Heartburn during pregnancy may be due to the  changing level of the hormone progesterone. This hormones causes the valve between the stomach and the esophagus to relax. As a result stomach content passes through the esophagus and irritate the lining.


How can I manage heartburn during pregnancy ?


You can reduce heartburn during pregnancy without harming your baby by taking the following steps.


Eat several small meals several times a day rather than three large meals. Try to avoid eating too much that you feel full. Over eating can contribute to heartburn.


Wait  after an hour after eating before you lie down. You may also decide to take a leisure walk or do some house work. Just don’t do anything that require lying or bending over.


Eat slowly. Eating  fast can result in indigestion which can lead heartburn.


Wear loose-fitting cloths to avoid putting pressure on your stomach and abdomen.


It is essential to keep you head and upper chest elevated while you sleep. This keeps the stomach content where they belong.


Avoid  foods that trigger heartburn such as  spicy, greasy  fried foods, chocolate, caffeine and citrus fruits.


Drink less fluids while eating. It is better to take sips during meals. Try  to get most of your fluids in between meals.


You may also use over the counter heart burn medication such as tums and Maalox that are generally safe during pregnancy.


If heart burn persist, contact your health care provider. He may prescribe medication for you. You should note that heartburn disappears after childbirth.
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