Headaches are common complaints during pregnancy. They may occur at anytime but is more common during the first and third trimesters.
What causes headaches during pregnancy ?
During the first trimester, headaches are caused by increased hormonal levels and blood volume circulating in the body.
Other causes include :
- stress
- poor posture
- low blood sugar
- lack of sleep
- dehydration
- caffeine withdrawal
If you had migraine headaches before pregnancy, you may experience less during pregnancy even though some people get the same or even more migraine episodes.
During the third trimester, it may be the result of poor posture or the tension of carrying extra weight. Preeclampsia may also be the cause of third trimester headaches.
How can I manage headaches during pregnancy ?
Headaches are a normal part of pregnancy but there are some self care measures you can take to manage it. These include :
- drink plenty of water
- get enough rest
- practice good posture especially during the third trimester
- eat healthy foods in small portion throughout the whole day
- apply cold or heat pads to your head
- exercise
- follow a regular sleep schedule
When headache strikes :
- lie in a dark, quiet room with your eyes closed
- apply warm compression to your face, eyes and temple or cold compressions to the back of your neck.
- massage your shoulders and neck
You can also prevent migraine by avoiding triggers such as
- chocolate
- aged cheese
- preserved meat
- alcohol
- yogurt
- peanuts
- sour cream
- bread with yeast
You should contact your health care provider
- before taking any medication
- if headache is persistent and gets worse
- if natural remedies do not relief headaches
- if headache is accompanied by blurry vision,upper right abdominal pain and swelling of the hands and face.
It is also better to try natural ways of reliving headaches during pregnancy. However if these don’t work, your healthcare provider may recommend acetaminophen.
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