Frequent urination is one of the most common signs of early pregnancy. You find the need to urinate even more during late pregnancy. Many pregnant women leak urine when coughing , sneezing, laughing or exercising. To prevent urinary tract infection, urinate when you feel the urge to.


frequent urination

What causes frequent urination during pregnancy ?


During pregnancy, your need to go urinate changes. Sometimes you may urinate frequently and at other times you may feel you are back to normal.


Hormonal changes is responsible for frequent urination during early pregnancy.This is because during pregnancy your body contains more fluid. Your kidneys are also working harder to get rid of the waste products from your body. During the second trimester. the uterus grows and rises higher, therefore you don’t urinate as much. As the baby moves lower during the latter part of pregnancy to prepare for labor and birth, there is increased pressure on your bladder causing you to urinate even more often.


How can I deal with frequent urination during pregnancy ?


These steps may help you deal with frequent urination :

  • stay away from caffeinated drinks
  • cut down on the amount of fluids you drink during the evening and night time
  • do kegel exercises. They strengthen the muscles that keep the urethra closed and help stop urine leaks
  • wear sanitary pads to catch leaks when you sneeze , cough or laugh
  • empty you bladder completely. You can do this by trying to lean forward when urinating


When should I contact my health care provider ?


Contact your health care provider when you experience these symptoms.

  • painful urination
  • fever
  • blood in urine
  •  the urge to urinate again after you have completely emptied your bladder


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