Back pain during pregnancy is common. It usually starts in the second half of the pregnancy . Back pain may be due to the fact that gaining weight during pregnancy changes your center of gravity and puts strain on your back. Hormones also relax ligaments in the pelvis and this can also result in backache.

back pain

What are the causes of back pain during pregnancy ?


Some of the likely causes of back pain during pregnancy include the following :


Hormonal changes : Your body produces the hormone relaxin during pregnancy. This hormone allows  ligaments in the pelvic area to relax and the joints to become looser in preparation for child birth. The hormone can also cause ligaments in the spinal area to  become lose, as a result causing back pain.


Weight gain : A healthy pregnant woman typically gains 25 to 35 pounds during pregnancy. The spine is responsible for supporting this extra weight gain causing back pain. The increasing size of the baby as well as uterus also puts pressure on the nerves in the pelvis and back.


Muscle separation : Back pain may be worsened by the rectal abdominis muscles. These are parallel sheets of muscles that run from the from the rib cage to the pubic bone . They may separate along the central seam as the uterus expands.


Emotional stress : This causes muscle tension in the back that can be felt as back spasm. For this reason, there is increase in back pain during the most stressful periods of your pregnancy.


What can I do to prevent back pain during pregnancy ?


These tips may help you ease back pain during pregnancy .

  • sleep on a firm mattress to provide support for your back
  • don’t bend over from the waist to pick up things. You can squat, bend your knees and keep you back straight
  • wear shoes with good arch support. Low heels are the  best. Flat heels usually don’t provide support and high heel may make you fall
  • sit on a chair with good back support. You can also place a small pillow behind your lower back
  • sleep on your side with one or  both knees bent. You may consider using one or two pillows  between your bent knees, under your abdomen and behind your back for support
  • stay active. Exercises strengthen muscles and makes them more flexible
  • improve your posture especially when sitting, sleeping or working. Some good postures include standing up straight and tall and keeping your shoulders back and relaxed
  • apply heat and cold compressions to your back. You need to seek your doctor’s permission and learn the proper ways to do this.
  • you may also consider complementary therapies like acupuncture and chiropractic care


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