What is meant by quickening ? Quickening is the first fetal movements felt in utero. It may be difficult to distinguish this from gas but eventually you will notice
Category: Jeannette Abayie Feature Pregnancy Stories
A pap smear is a test done to look for changes in the cervix that may indicate cervical cancer or conditions that may develop into cancer. This test does not
Pregnancy is an exciting and emotional time especially when it is your first baby. Even though most women have healthy pregnancies , there are some pregnancy symptoms you should not
Eating healthy food during pregnancy is good for both you and your baby. Smart food choices during pregnancy promote the health and development of your baby. Here are some of
Back pain during pregnancy is common. It usually starts in the second half of the pregnancy . Back pain may be due to the fact that gaining weight during pregnancy
About 150,000 children in the Unites states are born with birth defects. Not all birth defects can be prevented but a woman can increase her chances of having a healthy