Kegel exercises are also called pelvic floor exercises. They help strengthen the muscles that support the uterus , bladder and bowels. They also help strengthen the vaginal muscles.
Category: Jeannette Abayie Feature Pregnancy Stories
Pregnancy discrimination act Pregnancy discrimination is treating a woman ( applicant or employee) differently because of pregnancy or a medical condition related to pregnancy or childbirth. The pregnancy discrimination
Healthy start is a government supported program. It is a system that offers education , promotes positive birth outcomes and protects the health and well being of all mothers and
Excessive thirst during pregnancy can be a sign that you need more fluid intake. It could also be a sign of a serious pregnancy complication. You need to contact your
Deodorant and antiperspirants during pregnancy You need to take a close look at the label of your favorite deodorant now that you are pregnant. You want to avoid parabens.
Last updated : Wednesday, July 13, 2016