Heroine is an opioid drug. This street illegal drug is made from opioid morphine. It can be injected, snorted, smoked or sniffed. It can be white or brown in powder
Category: Jeannette Abayie Feature Pregnancy Stories
Pregnancy related problems Most women experience healthy pregnancy. There may be minor discomforts during pregnancy but these are considered normal. However you have to know symptoms that may indicate
Multifetal pregnancy reduction (MFPR) is a procedure used to reduce the number of fetuses in multiple pregnancy usually to two. Pregnancy involving more than 3 or more fetuses increases the
Ginger may relieve morning sickness and nausea during pregnancy. There are several ways ginger can be used to curb morning sickness and nausea during pregnancy . Using ginger
The time a woman’s full fertility returns after taking birth control varies and depends on the birth control method she’s using. Fertility decreases as you age. Irregular period as well
The perineum is the muscle between the anus and the vulva. During child birth , the perineal stretches and sometimes tears. Doing perineal massages a few weeks before your due