Caffeine is a drug found in lots of foods, drinks and some medications. It  is a stimulant which means it keeps you awake. During pregnancy , you might have to reduce the intake of your favorite foods and drinks.
The March of  Dimes recommends that pregnant women or women trying to get pregnant  should not get more than  200 mg (milligrams ) of caffeine a day. This amount is equivalent to about one 12 ounce cup of coffee.


Basic facts about caffeine

It  is a stimulant and a diuretic : Caffeine as a stimulant slightly increases a person’s heart rate and blood pressure both of which should be avoided during pregnancy. As a diuretic, it also increases urination which may result decreased fluids levels and cause dehydration.


It  crosses in the placenta to the baby : It  crosses the placenta  and gets to  the baby. Your baby does not have the same ability to process caffeine as you do. This is because his metabolism is still maturing. This can disrupt your baby’s sleeping  pattern and normal movement pattern in later pregnancy.


It  is found in foods other than coffee : This drug  is not only found in coffee but foods such as tea, soda, chocolate and some over the counter medication such as those used to relieve headaches. The amount  in these foods varies. It depends on the type of beans used, how it is prepared and the way it is served.


Know the facts about these statements


Caffeine causes birth defects in humans.


Numerous studies done in animals have  linked caffeine to birth defects, premature labor, increased risk of low birth weight  or reproductive problems. However there have not been any conclusive studies done in humans. It is therefore better to play safe.


Caffeine causes infertility .
Studies have linked high levels of caffeine and delayed conception.


Caffeine causes miscarriage.
Some studies have shown that this drug causes miscarriages  and others have not. Due to conflicting conclusion, The March of Dimes recommends that pregnant women stick to less   than 200 mg per day which is equal to  about one 12 oz cup of coffee to be on a safe side.


Pregnant women should not consume ANY caffeine.
Experts believe that moderate amount of caffeine have not been found to have any negative effects on pregnancy.


How much caffeine is too much ?

Moderate amount of caffeine ranges from 150 to 300 mg. Some healthcare providers believe that more than 150 mg a day is too much while others believe 300 mg a day  is too much. Discuss with your healthcare provider which option is right for you.
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