During the holidays, most families get together with friends and family . However, the COVID -19 pandemic has changed a lot of things. Public health professionals say small household gatherings are some of the main ways COVID-19 infections spread so much again this fall.
However with some planning and extra care, families can create lasting memories while reducing the risk of bing exposed to COVID-19.
Planning for the holidays during COVID-19 Pandemic
- Celebrate with members of your own household : Limit in person celebration to people in your household. Cooking and decorating with your children are a great way to celebrate with your children.
- Shop online : Do any grocery or gift shopping online with delivery or curbside pickup option. If you need to shop in person, go when shops are not busy.
- Find ways to share the holiday experience remotely : Set a group video call to share stories and experiences, sing songs, play instruments, open gifts together and count down to the new year.
If you do have an in person get together
It is important to let all the guests know that having an in person get together is risky. Here are some ways to make them feel safer .
- Keep the gathering small and short
- Wear face covering and keep your distance. People who live together can sit together. However those from different household should stay 6 feet apart especially while eating. It is important that people wear face covering when they are not eating.
- Open windows for ventilation and stay outside if weather permits.
- Take safety steps before the gathering. It is important to remind guests coming to the gathering that they need to follow steps to lower the risk of COVID transmission.This includes wearing cloth face coverings, physical distancing, and limiting outings and social gatherings as much as possible.
- Safer travels : Guest traveling for the gathering should drive in a private car with family members and wear face masks at rest stops and gas station. Those flying need to be extra careful around groups clustered near security lines and concourses, wear masks in airports and on planes, and wait until lines have thinned.
It is important to note that you do not have to participate in in-person festivities if you or anyone in your household have been diagnosed with COVID-19 and is still at risk of transmitting it to others, has had any symptoms of COVD-19 within 48 hours of the gathering and is waiting for viral test results, could have been exposed to someone in the last 14 days, or is at high risk.
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