Your potty trained child may be   feeling anxious about being  displaced with a new baby. It is not uncommon for a toddler with a new sibling to temporarily regress  to baby behavior.

sad child


However if the accidents are regular or if she’s complaining of pain, it is important to have her checked out by a health care professional to rule out any underlying medical condition. Its unusual for a child to suffer from Urinary tract infection UTI  but it can happen. If she does have UTI , it may be accompanied by symptoms such as fever, painful urination or change in the odor of urine.  It is important to seek medical help immediately because untreated UTI  can lead to kidney infection.


When should i be concerned ?


You should be concerned when your child is potty trained and keeps having  more serious regressions such as  bowel accidents and nighttime wetting in addition to daytime accidents . If every possible cause has been ruled out and the child still has accidents , it could be a sign of something more serious. Talk to your child’s doctor about getting a developmental  assessment.



Content Sources
Should I worry that my toddler, who was potty trained, has begun having accidents? Baby Center. Accessed January 27th, 2019

What to Do When Your Potty-trained Child Suddenly Isn’t. Cleveland Clinic . Accessed January 27th, 2019

Emotional issues and bathroom problems. American Academy of Pediatrics. Accessed January 27th, 2019

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