You usually suspect your child has a cold when she starts sneezing and have a runny nose. Over The Counter OTC medications may not help with the cold. As a matter of fact the American Academy of Pediatrics strongly recommends against using these medications in children younger than 4 years . You should use these medications for children 4 to 6 only if advised by your doctor.
Fever and pain
Common colds do not cause more than a slight fever. It is best to let the fever run its course If the child is acting well and drinking fluids. As a matter of fact the fever may help the child’s natural immune system fight off the infection. The only pain medication available to children are acetaminophen and ibuprofen. The rest are available through prescription.
Don’t ever give aspirin to infants, children or teens because of the risk for Reye’s syndrome. Reye’s syndrome is a rare but potentially fatal disease that can cause liver and brain damage.
Call your doctor right away if your child is less than 3 months of age and has a fever over 100.4°F (38°C).
Stuffy nose and coughing
You can use a bulb syringe to gently suction out the mucus or have the child blow out the her nose in the case of stuffy nose. Antihistamines are only effective when the stuffy nose is caused by allergies.
In the cause of a blocked nose, use saline spray or drops to dilute the mucous and make it easy to be sanctioned or blown out.
For babies under 1, you just have to keep them hydrated and comfortable. Seek your doctor’s advise on the use of warm fluid for your baby. For children over the age of 1, honey will be more appropriate and much safer than any over the counter medication. Do not give honey to babies under the age of 1 due to the risk of catching infantile botulism. You can reduce your child’s risk of getting a cold by practicing good personal hygiene,by not touching his nose or eyes and by avoiding people with colds or upper respiratory infections. Alcohol-based hand gels can help prevent spreading a cold or other viral infection.
Helping your child feel better without medication
Ways you can help your child feel better without medication include the following :
- Give your child plenty of water and other fluids to drink.
- Cough drops can help scratchy throats . However they should be given to only older kids who can handle hard candy without the risk of choking.
- It is important that the child gets adequate rest.
- Steam treatment can be helpful. You can use a cool mist humidifier at night. Warm humidifiers are not recommended because they can burn a child. Humidifiers can harbor a mold so it is important to clean them in between use.
Content Sources
Colds ( For Parents). Nemour’S Foundation. Accessed December 20th, 2018
When your baby has a cold. WebMD. Accessed December 20th, 2018