It is normal for toddlers to show some regressive behaviors at this age. She may be growing too fast and feel insure. It may also be due to being overwhelmed by a developmental milestone . It can also be a reaction to the start of a stressful situation such as starting preschool, the arrival of a new sibling or tension at home



However this behavior may concern parents because of motor skill regression or child slipping back of physical skill.


You have to know that a sudden decline in social skills such as child withdrawing from people may be a problem.  Another red flag you have to look out for is a child who uses baby words now even though she use to have 2 or 3 word sentences. It is normal to use baby talk time to time but not all the time.


Your child needs to be checked by the doctor if you notice these signs in her.


If it is just a normal emotional backsliding, you just have to give the child the support she needs.  She will bounce back to her previous level as soon as she feels secured again.


What you can do


You need to make your baby feel loved. Read books with her or snuggle together. Let her know that you know she’s pretending to be  a baby but she will still be loved if she doesnt act like a baby. Other things you can do are :

  • Reduce changes in the child’s life and stick to previous routine as much as possible
  • Celebrate grown up actions like being able to use the potty by herself or feeding herself
  • Hold on to criticism



Content Sources
Is it normal that my toddler is acting like a baby again? Bay center. . Accessed May 27th, 2017

Regression (acting like a baby). What to expect. Accessed May 27th, 2017

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