Being any new parents is very exciting. Parents usually worry about their baby’s wellbeing. Most parents worry when their baby’s skin start peeling. However knowing the cause of the peeling can ease your worry.


A newborn’s skin can change  a lot within the first few weeks of life. Before leaving the hospital or in a few days after coming home, your newborn’s skin may flake or peel. This is completely normal. Peeling can occur in any part of the body  such as hands, soles of the feet and ankles.


Why does a newborn’s skin peel ?


Newborns are covered in various liquids such as amniotic fluid, blood and vernix. Vernix is a thick coating that protects the baby’s skin from the amniotic fluid. The fluids  will be wiped off from the skin shortly after birth. Once the vernix is gone, the baby will shed the outer layer of the skin  within one to three weeks. The amount of peeling will depend on if the baby was premature, full term or  overdue.


The more the vernix is on the skin, the less  they peel. Premature babies have more vernix so these newborns peel less than a full term babies  or post term babies.  You have to know that some peeling and dryness after birth is normal. Skin flaking will go away and does not usually  require special care.


Other causes of dryness includes the following :

  • Eczema :  Eczema is rare immediately after birth but may develop later in infancy. The exact cause of the condition is unknown . However it can be triggered by conditions such as the following :
    • Irritants such as shampoo and detergent
    • Dairy products
    • Soy products
    • Wheat
  • Ichthyosis : This genetic condition causes scaly, itching skin and shedding. Your child  may be diagnosed based on your family’s medical history  and a physical examination. The doctor may also take a blood or skin sample. There is no cure for this condition but applying cream regularly  can  ease dryness and improve skin condition.

How to treat  dry skin

These steps can help protect your newborn’s skins from peeling and dryness .

  • Reduce bath time to about 5 to 10 minutes. Use lukewarm water instead of hot water  and only use fragrance-free, soap free cleansers. Regular soaps and bubble baths  are too harsh for newborn’s skin.
  • Apply hypoallergenic moisturizer to your baby’s skin twice a day including after bath time. Apply cream to your baby’s skin immediately after a bath to seal in moisture.
  • Keep your baby as hydrated as possible to reduce dry skin. Babies should not drink water until they are about 6 months unless otherwise advised by the doctor.
  • Protect your newborn from cold air or wind when outdoors.
  • Avoid using  harsh chemicals. A newborn’s skin is sensitive and can be irritated by harsh chemicals.
  • Use a humidifier so that the air in the house is not too dry.


There is no way to prevent your newborn’s skin from peeling after birth. The amount of time of skin peeling  differ from newborn to newborn. Keep your baby’s skin hydrated  to help reduce dry patches and cracking.


If flaking and dry skin doesn’t improve within a few weeks or months, speak with your doctor.


Content Sources
Why is your newborn’s skin peeling. Healthline. Accessed July 20th, 2018

Caring for a newborn’s skin. The Bump. Accessed July 20th, 2018

alth. Accessed July 8th, 2018

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