Children will benefits from  preoperative planning, education, and explanations. This preparation should take place a day or two before  surgery. Preparing too far in advance can produce more anxiety. It is important to recognise what will be stressful to your child while in the hospital to help you prepare him for the surgical experience.

child in hospital

Common stressors and fears in the hospital include the following :

  • Being left alone
  • Staying in a strange bed or room
  • Painful procedures
  • Feeling helpless
  • Being in contact with unfamiliar people
  • Medical equipments that look and sound strange

How do i prepare my child for surgery ?

These  tips may help your child  prepare for surgery.

  • Read books about going to the hospital to your child.
  • Give simple explanation and be mindful of the words you use. For example say the doctor will fix your arm instead of the doctor will cut your arm.
  • Let your child decide which security item he wants to bring to the hospital. You should include favorite books and soothing music.
  • Stay with your child during hospitalization . This will provide your child with some comfort. You should also let the nurses know your child’s schedule as well as his  likes and dislikes.
  • You need to be patient with your child. It is normal for children to cry and fuss in stressful situations. The child may become clingy and difficult to console. It is important to give the child lots of love and let your child know that you will be nearby.
  •  You should also remember to take good care of yourself. Remaining calm and positive can help reduce your child’s stress.
Content Sources
Preparing the child for surgery. Stanford Children’s Health. Accessed July 3rd, 2018

Preparing your child for surgery.Vanderbilt University Medical Center . Accessed July 3rd, 2018

Preparing your child for surgery. Nemour’s Foundation. Accessed July 3rd, 2018

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