Giving your baby a pacifier


Your baby can start using a pacifier from the get go if you are not breastfeeding. However if you are nursing , how early you give your baby a binky depends on how much you think it will interfere with nursing.

baby with pacifier


Experts advice moms not to introduce pacifiers and bottle until breastfeeding is well establish to avoid nipple confusion. However research indicates that using a pacifier  doesnt really affect breastfeeding as much as previously thought. However introducing the baby too early has a negative effect on breastfeeding.


Introducing your baby to a bikky has its pros and cons. When baby’s use a pacifier during nap and bedtime, it is known to reduce the risk of SIDS. On the hand, one of the strongest reasons against introducing a binky to a child is because children sometimes have a hard time  breaking the habit.


Do not offer the baby a pacifier when he’s hungry. If the baby gets the pacifier rather than the nourishment he needs, it might make him upset and make it difficult to feed him.


You can try other ways to soothe your baby such as

  • Carrying him in a front pack
  • Rocking him
  • Playing soothing music
  • Singing
Content Sources
When can my baby start using a pacifier. Baby Center. Accessed July 30thth, 2018

Pacifiers. Are they good for your baby? Mayo Foundation. Accessed July 30thth, 2018

When to give your newborn a pacifier. Livestrong. Accessed July 30th, 2018

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