How to dress your newborn


  • When dressing a newborn : Support the baby on your lap, stretch the neckline of the garment and  pull it over the baby’s head. You can use your  fingers to prevent it from catching onto the baby’s face or ears. You should put your hand into the sleeve from the outside, grasp your baby’s hand, and pull it through. Don’t try to push the baby’s arms through the sleeve.
  • When undressing a baby : Take off the sleeve one at a time while you support the baby’s back and head. Stretch the neckline and lift it free of your baby’s chin and face and gently slip it off.

Clothing tips


In the weather is cold  ( that is when the temperature is  under 75 degrees Fahrenheit [23.88 degrees Celsius]): Your baby will need several layers of dresses to keep warm. It is essential to dress your baby in underarms and diapers, covered by a pajamas or dress gown. You should wrap the baby in a receiving blanket. If you need an extra layer, a sleep sack or wearable blanket sleeper is a safe alternative .


If the weather is hot : (that is when the temperature is  over 75 degrees Fahrenheit [23.88 degrees Celsius]) : You can reduce your baby’s clothing to a single layer. A good thumb of rule is to dress the baby in one more layer of clothing that you are wearing to be comfortable in the same environment.


If you baby is premature : A premature baby may need a another layer of clothing until her weight reaches that of a full term baby  and her body is better able to adjust  to changes in temperature.


Features on clothing that make dressing a newborn easy. Look for garment that :

  • Snap or zip all the way down at the front instead of the back.
  • Snap or  zip down both legs to make diaper change easier.
  • Have loose fitting sleeves so that your hands fit underneath to push the baby’s arm through.
  • Have no ribbons or strings to knot up, unravel or wrap around the neck ( which can also result in choking ).
  • Are made for material that stretches. You should avoid tight binding around arms, legs or neck.
Content Sources
Tips for dressing your baby. American Academy of Pediatrics. Accessed May 27th, 2018

How to dress and undress a newborn. Parents. Accessed May 27th , 2018

Dressing a newborn. Raising Accessed May 27th, 2018

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