Your right to special services


Once a child is suspected of a learning disability, you have to ask your child’s school stuff about free special education services. Some teachers and principals may not be willing  to request a consultation or referral. However if you feel your child’s needs are not being met, you have to persevere.

special services


Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)


Under this act, public schools must make special services available to individuals who need it. Its a federal statue enacted in 1975. In order for every state and school district to receive federal funding, they  must have a procedure  for identifying, assessing and planning an educational program for these youngsters, from age three to twenty-two.  The law doesnot only cover children with learning disabilities but also those with

  • perceptual problems ( hearing or visual impairment )
  • cerebral palsy or other brain injuries
  • orthopedic problems affecting mobility
  • serious behavioral and emotional difficulties that can interfere with education

The law provides 5 basic rights

  • A free,  appropriate education.
  • An individual  education plan  IEP based on a complete developmental assessment and approved by parents.
  • Access to records or giving the parents right to participate in the evaluation and decision-making process.
  • Giving parents the rights to participate in the evaluation and decision making process.
  • The least restrictive educational environment  which is placing a child in a learning situation that is normal and convenient as conditions allow.
Content Sources
Your right to special services. American Academy of Pediatrics. Accessed April 8th, 2018

Legal rights to services . Special Education Guide. Accessed April 8th, 2018

Right to an Evaluation of a Child for Special Education Services. Learning disability association of American. Accessed April 8th, 2018

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