Common symptoms of hyperactivity / impulsivity in children
Early childhood ( preschool and early school years )
- Behavior with normal range :
- Child runs in circles and doesnot stop, may bang into object or people
- Constantly ask questions
- Bahavior signaling hyperactivity/impulsivity :
- Child constantly runs into people or knocks things down during play.
- Child gets injured frequently .
- Child doesnt want to sit for games or stories
- Behavior signaling possible presence of ADHD , hyperactive – impulse type :
- The child runs through the house , jumps and climbs excessively on furniture .
- The child will not sit still to eat or be read to and is often into things.
Middle childhood ( later primary grade through preteen years )
- Behavior with normal range :
- The child plays active games for long periods. Occasionally the child may do things impulsively especially when excited .
- Bahavior signaling hyperactivity/impulsivity :
- The child may butt into other children’s games.
- She may frequently interrupt .
- She may also have problems completing chores.
- Behavior signaling possible presence of ADHD , hyperactive – impulse type :
- The child is often talking and interrupting.
- Child cannot sit still at meals times.
- Child usually fidgets while watching TV.
- She makes disruptive noises and grab toys and other objects from others .
- Behavior with normal range :
- She engages in normal social activities such as dancing for long periods.
- The child may engage in risky behaviors with peers.
- Bahavior signaling hyperactivity/impulsivity :
- The adolescent engages in “fooling around” that begins to annoy others.
- She may also fidget in class or when watching TV.
- Behavior signaling possible presence of ADHD , hyperactive – impulse type :
- The child is restless and fidgeting while doing anything and quiet activities .
- She interrupts and bugs other people.
- She gets into trouble frequently .
Content Sources
Common Symptoms of Hyperactivity/Impulsivity. American Academy of Pediatrics. . Accessed April 16th, 2018
14 Signs of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Healthline. Accessed April 16th, 2018
ADHDin kids. WebMD. Accessed April 16th, 2018