Using an over the counter mouthwash is safe during pregnancy as long as you are not drinking it. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) recommends that pregnant women use fluoridated, alcohol-free mouthwash daily to strengthen tooth enamel and strengthen the teeth. This is particularly important if you’re vomiting frequently. This is because vomiting bathes the teeth with stomach acid that erodes the enamel. You can rinse your mouth with a mouthwash  each time you vomit. You can also rinse your mouth with water containing a teaspoon of baking soda after vomiting which helps prevent enamel erosion.

mouth wash


It is important not to brush your teeth at least half an hour after vomiting. This is because  the tooth enamel is weakened by the acid and can be damaged by the abrasive ingredients in the toothpaste.


The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends that you brush with a fluoride toothpaste twice a day and floss once for good dental health during pregnancy . If you are having trouble controlling  plaque, talk to your dentist about antibacterial or antimicrobial mouth rinse.


If you have severe gum disease, the dentist may prescribe a rinse containing the antimicrobial chlorhexidine. This is generally used in serious cases and not recommended for prolonged use because it can stain the teeth.


Rinses that are both fluoridated and antimicrobial are not recommended because they contain high amounts of alcohol. Even though it is unlikely that the alcohol in the mouth will reach the baby because you will spit it out rather than swallow, experts still caution against it.


Tips for using a mouthwash

  • Rinse works best when you swish them around your mouth for about 30  seconds before spitting them out
  • If you use mouth rinse at night, it should be the last thing that touches your teeth before bedtime.
  • When rinsing at other times of the day, do not brush, floss, eat , drink  or even rinse with water for about half an hour afterwards since it  can reduce the effectiveness of the product.

Talk to your dentist if you have any concerns.



Content Sources
Is it safe to use mouthwash during pregnancy. Baby Center. Accessed January 30th, 2018

How to use mouthwash during pregnancy. Livestrong. Accessed January 30th, 2017

Rinsing for expectant moms. Listerine. Accessed January 30th,2018

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