Do dairy products increase congestion ?


Experts do not agree whether diary products causes congestion  especially those made from cows milk. This is because there is no conclusive evidence one way or the other.

dairy products


Macronutrients such as carbohydrates , proteins and fats stimulate mucus production in the mouth. Whole milk is nutritionally dense and therefore can increase mucus in the mouth. Because the nasal and oral passages are connected, it may seem like your baby or child is more congested after drinking whole milk.


Most parents notice their children  have   a lot of mucus or a lot of phlegm and blame dairy products. However you have to note that not everybody reacts to milk this way and many other factors could be at play.


If you think cow’s milk is the culprit, discuss with your pediatrician. Children need the nutrients in milk such as calcium and vitamin D and would have to get them from other nutritionally equivalent sources.



Content Sources
Do dairy products increase congestion ? Baby Center. Accessed January 10, 2018

Should a toddler with phlegms drink milk. livestrong. . Accessed January 10, 2018

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