Cesareans are usually not lengthy surgeries no matter the size of the patient. They also cause very few problems in the vast majority of cases.
One issue that rarely comes up is when the woman has a lot of fat in the abdominal wall. The thickness of the wall makes it difficult to see the abdomen and have a clear view of what you’re doing during surgery. The patient can experience more blood loss because you are cutting through a thicker layer of tissue with more blood vessels and the bleeding can interfere with the view in the abdomen. However this is the issue for more obese women.
A thicker abdominal will may also require a longer incision for easier access to the uterus. However the longer incision should not cause any problems later on. The doctor may also opt for vertical incision which is associated with less blood loss, quicker surgery and a better view of the uterus. You have to note that a vertical section doesnt heal faster or slower and cause less problems than a horizontal incision.
However these situations are not common and most women have cesarean section without any problems.
When it comes to recovery of c-section, larger women do have an increased risk of infection at the incision site. This is due to excess serous fluid leaking from fat tissues. This fluid is harmless and exists in the body in various forms. However if it collects around a wound, it creates a warm environment that is perfect for bacteria to thrive. You need to change the dressing on your incision to keep the place as dry as possible. You also have to make sure you dry the incision site after bathing.
Content Sources
C-section for plus size women. Plus size birth. https://plussizebirth.com/c-section-for-plus-size-women/. Accessed January 12th, 2018