Fruit juice and diarrhea


Yes , too much fruit juice can cause diarrhea in kids.  This is because most juices contain sorbitol which is a non digestible form of sugar. Excess levels  of this sugar can cause the body to try and dilute the  sugar by pulling water from the bloodstream into the intestines. This is what causes loose stools. This is how prune juice which is high in sorbitol works. Apple, peach , pear and cherry juice are also high in this sugar.

fruit juice


It is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics that you limit the amount of juice your child drinks. Aside diarrhea, fruit juice can ruin a child’s appetite for healthier foods and cause tooth decay.


You should give your child 2 servings of fruit a day. If you give the child one serving in the form of fruit juice, it is essential to make sure the other one is a piece of fresh fruit which will give the chid fiber and other nutrients. You can also dilute the  juice to make sure the child doesnt drink as much. You can also offer water instead of juice  in-between meals .



Content Sources
Can fruit juice give my baby diarrhea? Baby Center. Accessed November 12th, 2017

Finding the best drink when your child has diarrhea. WebMD. Accessed November 12th, 2017

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