The effect of hearing problems on speech delay


Hearing problems can result in speech and language delays if not  diagnosed and treated early. However the effect of hearing problems on a  child’s development depends one of  2 factors.

  • The child’s age when the hearing problem  was identified and addressed
  • The severity of the hearing loss

hearing problems


The earlier the hearing loss is  identified and treated, the less effect it will have on your child’s development.


There are 2 types of hearing loss

Temporary of conductive hearing loss :  This is caused by fluid accumulation in the middle ear. This fluid can become infected and cause an ear infection ( otitis media). This fluid can however  accumulate without causing ear infections.


Young children are more prone to fluid accumulation in the middle ear because of their Eustachian tubes,  a tube that  connects the middle ear to the back of the nose and throat is short and horizontal. However  around the age of 5 and 6, the tubes lengthens  and become more horizontal which makes drainage easier.


Ear infections are common in children and are treated with antibiotics. However these antibiotics do not hep drain the fluid, they  just destroy the bacteria and reduce fever and pain. The fact that the child is not experiencing any pain doesn’t mean that the water is drained from the middle ear.


If there is fluid in the child’s ear, he will not hear words correctly and children usually repeat words exactly how they hear it. This is why the child may have difficulty saying words.


Permanent hearing loss : This is caused by a problem with the hearing mechanism or the auditory nerves or both. This type can be caused by a number of factors such as genes, sickness , syndrome , disease or medication. Children with permeant hearing loss usually wear hearing aids because antibiotics and surgery are usually not effective for this type. If hearing aids cant help, the child may benefit from  a cochlear implant – an electronic device consisting of electrodes that are inserted into the inner ear and an external device that picks up and processes sound.


Children diagnosed with severe hearing loss  who  cant hear others even with the help of a hearing aid may benefit from specialized education program that teaches sign language, cued language or speech (lip) reading.


If you have any concerns about your child hearing problems, contact your doctor.



Content Sources
Will my child’s development be delayed by a hearing problem? Baby Center. Accessed October 3rd, 2017

Effect of hearing loss on development. American speech language hearing association. Accessed October 3rd, 2017

What is hearing loss. Speech and Language Kids. Accessed October 3rd, 2017

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