Leaking breasts is your body’s way of preventing engorgement  and relieving that feeling of fullness nursing moms get in their breast. Some nursing moms never leak while some can barely keep their tops dry.


leaking breasts


Leaking cannot be predicted. Some moms leak during early breastfeeding while some others leak for months. It is cause by the hormone oxytocin  which causes milk ejection  reflex MER. This is why you may see one breast leak while nursing your baby. Oxytocin is also present during orgasm so your milk may spray during climax.
Leaking usually stops when the child has mastered breastfeeding.

How to cope with leaking breasts

  • When you begin to feel  the tingling sensation of the milk let down, apply pressure to your breast. This can be done by crossing your arms over your chest and hugging yourself. You can also use the base of your hands to press over the nipple. You can cup your chin in your hands and press your forearms into your breasts if you’re sitting at a table.
  • Use disposable nursing pads as well as reusable, washable cotton pads . Avoid  pads with a plastic liner that traps moisture against your skin as this can cause nipples to become sore.
  • Wear clothing that camouflage wetness such as prints.  You can also carry a sweater or jacket that you can quickly put on when you notice your breasts leaking.
  • Nurse your baby often or manually express milk. When you feel  the fullness, let your baby nurse before you start to leak. If you are not with your baby, go to a private place and manually express milk
Content Sources
What can i do about my leaking breasts. Baby Center. https://www.babycenter.com/404_what-can-i-do-about-my-leaking-breasts_4030.bc. Accessed October 4th, 2017

How to deal with leaky breasts. La Leche League International . Accessed October 4th, 2017

Breatmilk leakage. Breastfeeding Basics. https://www.breastfeedingbasics.com/articles/breast-milk-leakage. Accessed October 4th, 2017


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