The dangers of milk sharing


There is a trend in  milk sharing. This is a good sign that women are more keen in breastfeeding more now than before. However there are risks associated with milk sharing.


milk sharing


Some mother’s may not be able to produce their own breast milk. They look up to others  for nourishment  for their babies. It has been proven that breastmilk is the best nourishment for babies. Some people turn to the internet to buy milk that they can’t produce. However sometimes the breastmilk you are buying could do more harm than good. This is because they may contain bacteria that could make your baby sick.


Getting breastmilk from the internet can be dangerous. Some people add cow milk to the breastmilk that you get on the internet.  You also don’t know the kind of milk you are getting. Most of the milk on the internet are contaminated with bacteria or viruses which are dangerous to  babies.

You  don’t know  how  the person the milk from is like . You don’t if that individual is engaged  in stuff such  as if they

  • drink
  • smoke
  • use illicit drug or prescription drugs with opioids in them

It is better to get milk from human milk bank because all the milk are  pasteurized and and tested for all kinds of bacteria and viruses. They are tested for DNA  to make sure that they do not contain  cow’s milk. The milk is usually from donors instead of people being paid so that people are not enticed  to add other stuff just to make money. However this is very scarce and usually  reserved for premature babies  and very sick babies  . It is  also very expensive.


Milk  sharing is dangerous because it is not regulated. As a result anybody can give you anything as breastmilk and you wont know exactly what you are getting.




If you are not producing enough breast milk, call your doctor or lactation consultant for help. You have to  know that milk sharing from the friends and relative may not be safe too  because they may have done something that they wouldn’t want  you to know about.


If you are having problems breastfeeding and desperately need breastmilk, you need to contact the human milk bank of American and talk to them about your particular situation and see how they can help you.
Content Sources

Concerns of buying breastmilk. Radio MD. Accessed August 15th, 2017

Milk Sharing: Formal and Informal. Breastfeeding USA. Accessed aUGUST 15TH, 2017

Milk sharing . Breastfeeding today. Accessed August 15th, 2017

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