Condoms and vaginal infections


Condoms can be used to  prevent pregnancy and STDs. However you may be wondering  if it can cause  vaginal infections.


vaginal infections


Not all Itching and vaginal discharge are indication of  yeast infection.


There are 3 main vaginal infections that are not  sexually transmitted disease .


  • Yeast infections :They  are usually characterized by  thick white vaginal discharge and severe  itching both inside the vaginal or on the outside vulva. Condoms do not necessarily cause  yeast infection. It is an imbalance of the normal ecosystem  of the vagina that results in these  infections. They  can be treated with tablets  like diflucan or some of the over the counter  yeast cream.
  •  Bacterial imbalance  : There is another vaginal infection which is known as bacterial infections ( bacterial vaginosis). This is also as a result of an  imbalance of  the bacteria  inside  the vagina. This causes foul smelling discharge that is grayish and itching or burning. This is treated with prescription  antibacterial cream or  medication taken by mouth.
  •  Contact or irritant  Dermatitis of the Vulva :The third type is irritation. This is what can  be caused by a condom. Most of the time it is something that  women put  in  and around the vagina such as lubricants, sprays, deodorized tampons, creams, fragrant soaps, laundry soap   and douches. These are not harmful but women who are sensitive can have irritation that causes  symptoms that mimic an infection.  Some women are even sensitive  to the material that condom is made of and this can cause irritation.

The vagina is an incredible organ. It has the ability to maintain its own pH.  It doesn’t really need any vigorous cleaning to maintain the pH. You can try to sleep with no underwear on from time to time to help good air flow in that area.


Content Sources
Condom use and vaginal infection. Radio MD. Accessed August 15th, 2017

Can lubricant or condom use cause yeast infection. Essence . Accessed August 15th, 2017

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