It is important that kids get enough sleep at night. Research have shown that sleep is very beneficial to kids in so many ways such as fighting obesity, preventing colds and helping the kids succeed in school.
Importance of sleep in children
- Sleep protects the heart. This is because it protects kids from vascular damage which results from not getting enough sleep
- Sleep helps kids fight obesity
- sleep promotes growth because growth hormones are secreted during deep sleep
- during sleep children as well as adults produce proteins known as cytokines. The body relies on this protein to fight infection, disease and stress
- children who get enough sleep have a longer attention span and higher IQs
- healthy sleep affect neurological development positively . This helps prevent many learning and behavioral poblems
- Children who sleep more are sociable and less demanding. Children who sleep less are somewhat hyperactive
7 reason your kids need to sleep. Parents. Accessed July 24th, 2017
Good sound sleep for your child. WebMD. Accessed July 24th, 2017