Temper tantrum is common in children between the ages of 1 and 3 years.  Children can feel frustrated when they are unable to express their feelings.  Children don’t plan temper tantrums. They are a normal response  to anger  and other strong emotions.  It is best to prevent tantrums however if you cant, the best option is to ignore the tantrum or distract the child.


temper tantrums


Preventing temper tantrums


You may be able to prevent temper tantrum by doing the following :

  • Establish and keep a regular schedule . This should include enough hours for sleep and eating meals. If you have a predictable routine , the child feels  in control and stays positive
  • Know what to expect from a child  based on his age and abilities . Expecting too much from the child increases frustration.
  • Allow the child to make simple choices such as which dress to wear. This  helps develop the child’s self confidence and reduces frustration
  • Remove valuable and breakable items out of the child’s way. It reduces the number of times  you have to say no
  • Be fair, consistent and firm with the limits you set for your child. If you say “no” and change your mind later, it confuses the child. She thinks your no  means yes
  • Praise and thank the child when she does something positive or does things you will expect from a child that age
  • After the child is calm, listen to her concerns and opinions

Ignore temper tantrum


Sometimes you just have to ignore the tantrums by doing the following :

  • Walk away from the child. This doesnt work for all children. Tantrums may get worse with these children
  • Stand about 1.5m away from the  child and continue doing what you were doing. You can observe without focusing your attention the child
  • Do not talk to the child. However if you have to, do so with a neutral voice

Distract your child


You can shorten the duration of tantrums by distracting the child .

  • redirect the child if you think she’s becoming frustrated
  • remove the child from situations  that are likely to trigger the tantrum . Large family diner , light and noise from a carnival can trigger a tantrum.
Content Sources
Avoiding temper tantrums. Sutter Health. http://www.sutterhealth.org/health/healthinfo/index.php?A=C&hwid=aa43175. Accessed Jun 27th, 2017

How to stop a tantrum fast. parents . http://www.parents.com/toddlers-preschoolers/discipline/tantrum/how-to-stop-a-tantrum-fast/. Accessed June 27th, 2017

Managing and Preventing Temper Tantrums. American Academy of Family Physicians. https://familydoctor.org/managing-and-preventing-temper-tantrums/. Accessed June 27th, 2017

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