Will collecting cord blood interfere with natural birth ?
The collection of cord blood will not interfere with natural birth. It is done after the baby has been delivered and the umbilical cord clamped. It can be collected whether birth is natural or medicated and whether its vaginal or cesarean.
Can i still donate my baby’s cord blood with delayed cord clamping ?
It can be donated as long as the delay is not too long. It is okay to delay clamping for a brief period before the cord blood is collected and your partner clamps the cord.
It’s been shown through studies that delaying the clamping of the umbilical cord allows for more stem rich cord blood to flow into the baby. This may protect the baby within the first 6 months against anemia. However waiting for too long may cause the blood to clot and will not be beneficial to anybody. It cannot be collected and wont flow into the baby. There is no evidence that also indicates that clamping the umbilical cord too soon is responsible for any childhood illness.
Can i donate cord blood from a home birth ?
You cant donate cord blood from a home birth. To donate cord blood, you must have given birth in an accredited hospital. However you can collect cord blood from a home birth and arrange for private storage in a family bank.
Do i need a doctor to collect my baby’s cord blood ir should it be done by a doctor ?
A midwife may be able to collect the cord blood depending on the following :
- where you choose to deliver
- whether you choose donation to a public bank or family bank
If you want to donate your cord blood, you will need to deliver at a hospital set up for the collection of cord blood. You can inquire from the hospital if they will allow your midwife to collect the blood.
If you’ll be donating cord blood via the mail-in donation program of the National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP), the person collecting the cord blood must be license like a certified nurse midwife.
If you plan to do private cord blood banking, you can bring the kit with you wherever the birth takes occurs. The person collecting the blood can be anyone who knows how to perform sterile blood draw such as a midwife, nurse or obstetrician.
Content Sources
Cord Blood Banking. Cord Blood Banking.Com. https://www.cordbloodbanking.com. Accessed June 7th, 2017
Cord Blood Banking. American Pregnancy Association. http://americanpregnancy.org/labor-and-birth/cord-blood-banking/. Accessed June 7th, 2017