Developmental delays in children


A developmental delay could be due to a larger problem such as spina bifida, cerebral palsy or autism. However it could also mean that the child needs a few more weeks or months  to catch up with her peers.


developmental delay


Some children may have delays in one aspect of  their lives such as walking, while other areas of their development are on schedule or even ahead of their peers. This may just means that the child is focus on other areas of her  life that her  brain has pushed walking to the back and will work  on it again when ready.


It is also common for babies to skip certain milestones such as rolling or crawling while other milestones like sitting and walking occur within the right age range.


You also have to monitor your baby’s language. Speech delays  may be due to a numbers of factors such as the following :

  • hearing problems
  • problem with the brain or central nervous system
  • problem with  larynx, throat, or nasal or oral cavity

Check with your doctor if your baby doesnt do the following by 12 months .

  • doesn’t point
  • have one or two words
  • follow your point
  • respond to your smile
  • respond to his name

There is a wide range of age at which babies develop language. This makes developmental delays in children difficult to diagnose . However early detection is essential to avoid long term problems.


Slight delays in these areas are common and may just mean that the child just needs more practicing  with you and with others.


You can help your child with language delay by pointing to objects in large books, sign rhyming songs when you’re in a car or walking and by talking to your baby as much as possible in a normal, evenly paced tone.



Content Sources
If my baby has a delay, what could be causing it? Baby center. . Accessed May 11, 2017

Developmental delays. Michigan Medicine. Accessed May 11, 2017

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