It is very important for kids to eat fruits and vegetables. However this can be a challenge. There are ways that parents can go about this.
Tips for parents on how to get children to eat more fruits and vegetables
- give your child fruits and vegetables as snacks
- make fruits and vegetables readily available by washing and cutting them and putting them in plain sight in the refrigerator
- keep a bowl of fruits on the kitchen table for easy and ready access
- serve salads often
- provide dried fruits instead of candy
- freeze fruits such as banana and grapes for frozen treat
- consider vegetarian recipes for spaghetti, lasagna, chilli or others foods using vegetable instead of meat
- include one green leaf or vegetable such as spinach, broccoli , greens or carrot each day
- include at least one vitamin C vegetable or fruit each day such as oranges, strawberries, water melon, tomato and broccoli each day
- add a fruit or vegetable to each meal daily
- be a role model and eat more fruits and vegetables yourself
Other things you have to do
- it is important to make sure that your child is getting the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables daily
- limit or eliminate the amount of fruit juice you give your child. Make sure it is 100% juice and not juice
- stock up more vegetables and fruits in your house
- avoid buying high caloric foods such as chips, cookies and candy bars
It is important to establish good nutritional habits in your child that will last a lifetime .
Content Sources
How to Get Your Child to Eat More Fruits & Veggies. American Academy of Pediatrics. Accessed May 22nd, 2017
Encouraging Your Child to Eat Fruits and Vegetables.The Regents of The University of California . Accessed May 8th, 2017