Parents usually have a difficult time talking to their children about sexual  development. Children begin to explore their bodies at a very young age. They  touch, poke, pull and rub their body parts including their genitals. However children need guidance knowing the functions of their  body parts as they grow.


sexual behavior


Normal sexual behavior in children and  how to deal with it


Some of the common and normal sexual behaviors in children include the following :

  • touching / masturbating genitals  in public
  • showing genitals to peers
  • looking at or touching friends  or new siblings genitals
  • trying to see a  peer or adult naked
  • standing or sitting too  close to others

When you observe these behaviors in your child,  you have to try to direct their attention to more appropriate behavior. You can let your child know that they have to respect others and not touch their private parts or show them their private parts. They should also know that touching your private parts is done in private . You also have to let your child know that it is unacceptable for any other person to touch their private parts. They should let you or any trusted adult know if someone else touches their private parts.


Sexual behavior in children that should raise a red flag


Some  sexual behavior is children are harmless and out of curiosity. However some may also be an indication of physical and sexual abuse or exposure to adult material. Sexual behavior that should raise red flags includes acts that

  • occur more often
  • is done with force
  • causes physical or emotional pain or injury to the child or others
  • is associated with physical aggression
  • stimulates adult sex acts

If you are having these issues, talk to your child’s pediatrician. He will be able to detect which behavior is normal and which is not.




Content Sources
Sexual Behaviors in Young Children: What’s Normal, What’s Not?. American Academy of Pediatrics. . Accessed April 10, 2017

Understanding early sexual behavior in children. Nemour’s Foundation. Accessed April 10, 2017

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