Toddlers dont always listen just like everybody else. You need to teach them how to listen. Getting your child to listen doesnt have to be difficult. These tips will help.
Tips to help you get your toddler to listen
Get to their level : Pick up your child or squat to her level and look in her eyes to get her attention. Eye contact is very important. It works best when you’re face to face with the child.
Be clear : Your message should be stated in a simple and clear way with quiet authority. It is also good to give your child choices. However you have to make sure you are okay with the option you offer and just stick to 2. Giving them limited options makes them feel empowered.
Be consistent : Let your child know that you mean what you say and stick to it. Dont say you have to sleep at 8:00 pm and then a few days after you let the child sleep when she wants to. It also important to let your partner understand and respect the rule too so that neither undermines the other.
It also helps to follow your verbal messages with kind gestures like saying it time to sleep and turning the light off or steering her towards the bed.
Give warnings :You have to give your child advance notice before the change is about to happen. For example you can say dinner will be ready in 10minutes so that she knows that whatever she’s doing she needs to stop and get ready for dinner in 10 minutes.
Be instructive : Give instructions but in a fun way. You can try using silly voices and songs to deliver your message. Using good humor and affection as well as showing your child that you trust her will let her feel special and make her want to listen to you.
Set good example : Your children will listen to you if you listen to them. Listen to your child when she talks to you like you would any adult. Dont interrupt and give her your attention. Respond politely if you have to.
Compliment your child when she does good : If you see your child doing good like cleaning her room or being kind towards siblings, you have to compliment them. Letting the child know you are proud of their good behavior gives the child plenty of positive reinforcement.
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