It is normal for toddlers to be shy . At this age , toddlers are shy for two reasons. First your  child may just have a  shy temperate if she exhibits the following characteristics.

  • always quiet
  • inward looking
  • dont like group activities
  • hesitant towards strangers

This means she is has a somewhat timid nature. These children need time to warm up in new situations.




Second reason why your child may be shy may be due to separation anxiety. This is usually the case if your child use to be outgoing and recently became withdrawn.  In this case you will realize she is more attached to you and the baby sitter and more reserved with others. Separation anxiety usually peaks around 10 to 18 months and usually diminishes by age 2.


How to help your child deal with shyness


No matter the reason for your child’s shyness, these recommendations may help

  • you should let the child get more comfortable in social settings by  letting her interact  at her own pace
  • let your friends and relatives know ahead of time to approach your child slowly and wait for her to reach out
  • during group activities , it is okay for your child to take her time to be comfortable rather than jumping right into the activities


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