Toddler habits that are disturbing


Thumb sucking : It is common for children to suck their thumbs. However when they do it  into toddlerhood, you begin to wonder when it will stop.


toddler habits


Find out how to deal with thumb sucking in children.


Head bagging : This seems strange but its common. Some children bang their head on purpose.


Find how out why children bang their heads  and how to deal with it


Nail-biting : This typical toddler habit is most likely to persist into adulthood. It is a harmless way of dealing with stress in children and a sign of anxiety.


Discover why kids bite their nails and when to worry.


Teeth grinding : This habit is common in infants. It usually happens during the night and may continue into adulthood. However most children outgrow it.


Discover how to deal with teeth grinding in children


Using  pacifier : It is common for children to be hooked on to a binky. However getting them to stop its use can be  a hustle.


Learn ways to help your child get off the pacifier.


Nose picking : This can be embarrassing and unsightly.  This habit irritates most parents.


Find out how to deal with nose picking in children.


Masturbating : Kids masturbate because it feels good and not because of any sexual intention.  It is natural for children to explore their bodies. However parents find this behavior unsettling.


Find out how to help your child stop masturbation


Swearing : Are worried about your child’s swearing and potty talk. Kids at this age repeat what they hear. They dont really know what they are saying.


Learn ways to discourage swearing and potty talk in children.


Content Sources
7 unsettling toddler habits. Baby center. . Accessed April 24, 2017

Bad Habits/Annoying Behavior. Michigan Medicine. Accessed April 24, 2017

Your child’s habit. Nemour’s foundation. Accessed April 24, 2017

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