Electrolysis ia an electrical method of removing individual hair from the face or body. It is however best to avoid electrolysis during pregnancy . There is no known cause of electrolysis to unborn babies. However most health care professionals suggest  that you do not have electrolysis during pregnancy because it is not known if its safe or not.




However if you decide to have electrolysis during pregnancy, it is important to take certain precautions. Do not have it on your breast during your final trimester if you’ll be breastfeeding. You should also avoid your stomach in the last days as it will be sensitive and make it uncomfortable.


What are the types of electrolysis


There are two types of current used during electrolysis. These are galvanic and thermolysis. Thermolysis is also referred to as diathermy, radio wave, short wave or high frequency.


Galvanic electrolysis sends a minute electrical current through the client and back to the device. This is NOT recommended during pregnancy because the baby is surrounded by amniotic fluid.The fluid can act as a conductor of electricity. Thermolysis on the other hand does not flow through the body and has not been found to be harmful to pregnant women or  the  unborn child.



Many electrologists require a letter from your health care provider authorizing treatment during pregnancy.


Content Sources
Laser hair removal and pregnancy. American pregnancy Association. http://americanpregnancy.org/pregnancy-health/hair-removal-and-pregnancy/. Accessed March 14, 2017

Is it safe to have electrolysis during pregnancy.Baby center. http://www.babycentre.co.uk/x2231/is-it-safe-to-have-electrolysis-during-pregnancy. Accessed March 14, 2017

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