Babies have  fussy periods during the first weeks of life whether breastfeeding or formula-feeding. Colic in babies is characterized by  the following :

  • inconsolable crying often screaming
  • extending or pulling of legs
  • passing gas

colic causing foods


The crying spells can occur around the clock but usually get worse in the evening. The exact cause of this condition is unknown. However some babies are allergic to certain foods in their mother’s diet. These foods enter  breastmilk and causes discomfort to babies  as early as 2 hours after drinking breastmilk. If your baby exhibits a colicky behavior within 24 hours of a nursing mother eating a colic causing food, then that food is a culprit . This is especially true if the colicky behavior doesnt occur until the next time the mother eats that same food.


Colic causing foods you need to avoid while breastfeeding


These foods are likely to cause colic in babies if ingested by their nursing moms

  • foods that contain caffein such as coffee, tea, chocolate and certain cold remedies
  • dairy products such as cow’s milk.  Protein in cow’s milk can result in fussiness in sensitive babies. Cow milk is the most common culprit in the colicky food list. You can use calcium rich  alternatives such as green leafy vegetables, sesame seeds, fortified orange juice, almonds, tofu and salmon
  • spicy foods can change the taste of breastmilk . This can cause occasionally cause your baby  to  be colicky or refuse to eat
  • nuts and grain especially peanuts, wheat , corn and soy
  • gassy foods  such as broccoli , onions, brussels sprouts, green peppers and cauiflower. These foods  can bother babies in their raw state but are less problematic when cooked

What to do


After you are able to detect the foods that cause colicky behavior in your baby, you can start eliminating these foods one by one from your diet starting with cow’s milk. Eliminate this for about 10 to 14 days from your diet. If your baby’s symptoms does not subside, eliminate another fuss food. However if symptoms subside , you can reintroduce the suspected  colic causing food to your diet to  confirm your results. If the symptoms occur within 24 hours, temporarily take this food out of your diet.


Content Sources
Foods to Avoid to Prevent Colic While Breastfeeding. Livestrong. . Accessed March 15, 2017

Colic causing foods in breastfeeding.Ask Dr Sears. Accessed March 15, 2017

Colic tips for parents. American Academy of Pediatrics. Accessed March 15, 2017

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