Speech development differs from child to child. However in general most children can say several words clearly by their first  birthday. Within the second year most toddlers are able to talk clearly. After age 2, most children engage in more complex sentences. On the average girls talk earlier than boys.


speech development


You have to know that certain factors influence speech development. This include :

  • genetics
  • birth order such as being the first or second child
  • interaction with parents

You  need to be patient. Parents are so anxious to hear their children talk that some of them  end up intimidating the child. You should instead provide verbal stimulation . Consult your pediatrician if by age 2 and a half, your child’s speech is still  difficult to understand.


Ways to stimulate your child’s speech development


Stop the baby talk : It is important to stop the baby talk now that your baby is paying attention to your words and trying to make meaning out of it.


Keep it simple : Use straightforward , simple and short sentences when talking to your child so that she doesn’t get confused.


Talk to your child : Even if your child’s language is difficult to understand, it is important to talk to her . Talk to her  so that she  knows what is going on around her.


Read to your child : Reading is a great way for children to pick up vocabulary. Start reading to your child at an early age and it will greatly help her  speech development .


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