Children at daycare are at higher risk of infection. This is because whenever children are together , there is a chance of spreading germs. Infants and toddlers are more likely to use their hands to wipe their nose or rub their eyes. They then go on to touch other children. These children then rub their eyes or touch their nose and gets infected.
You also have to know that the immune system of children is still growing in maturity and as a result are more susceptible to infection.
Ways of reducing your child’s risk of catching a bug at daycare
- make sure your child’s immunizations are up to date : Daycares require that the child’s immunization is up to date before he is accepted. However many do not follow up to make sure subsequent immunizations are up to date. Some states have a data base to look up the child’s immunization record , however if this is something that your daycare doesn’t do, advocate for it to happen
- boost your child’s immunity : healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables and iron rich foods are a the key to a strong immune system. It is also important that the child gets enough rest. Talk to your pediatrician if you think your child is not getting enough iron.
- promote good hygiene: It is important that the daycare promotes good personal hygiene. Some of the ways to promote good personal hygiene include the following :
- daycare staff should wash their hands frequently especially before feedings, after eating or using the bathroom, before checking or changing diapers and after wiping runny nose, drool or spit.
- toys that infants put in their mouth should be sanitized before others can use
- toileting and diapering area, doors and cabinet handles , drinking fountains and surfaces should be cleaned and disinfected everyday
- children and staff should be fully immunized especially against flu
- breastmilk should be labeled and stored correctly
- make sure your own child understands good hygiene and the importance of washing his hand before eating and after using the bathroom
- Understand the sick policy : It is important to keep your child out of daycare if he has a fever. Infections are usually at their contagious stage when the child has fever. Keeping your child away from other kids will prevent him from spreading the germs
- ask about policies and regulation : Licensed daycares have to adhere to license regulation which may vary from state to state. Ask the daycare director what their policies are and if the staff have regular training and support.
Reducing the Spread of Illness in Child Care. American Academy of pediatrics. Accessed February 13, 2016
Day care diseases. How to keep your child healthy. Cleveland clinic. Accessed February 13, 2016