All parents want happy and healthy babies. They also want them to be smart. Parents become overwhelmed and confused with all the marketing about different products and the hype about these products making babies smarter. We have great news for you.  You dont need to put  undue pressure on you on how to make your child smarter. There are simple activities that you can do with your baby which helps stimulate the child’s brain.




Talk to your baby : Some parents feel funny talking to babies who cant talk back to them. However this is very important in stimulating the baby’s brain. You can tell your baby your plans for the day or whatever it is that comes to mind. He will be listening and learning .


Go for a walk : This helps  you and the baby get fresh air as well get some exercise. You also get the chance to talk  about and describe so many interesting things .


Sing : Singing is a great way to stimulate the child’s brain. Dont worry if you dont want anybody to hear your  voice , just sing. Your baby will appreciate it .


Read a book : This can be both fun and educative . Your baby will enjoy being held, hearing your voice and watching the pictures and pages  go by. In the first month , dont worry too much about the pictures in the book. Its the time you share and the sound of your voice that your baby will appreciate the most. It is a good idea to read out loud whatever you find to be most interesting.


Imitate : You can start by sticking your tongue out. You may be surprised to find your newborn copying  you. You can also make exaggerating facial expressions and sounds that your newborn make. Before long , she will start imitating you as well.


Stay in touch : Massage is a great way to stay in touch. It is not only relaxing for  the baby  but also an important part of how  babies experience the world. It can also be a real bonding experience.



Content Sources
The secret to a smarter baby. American Academy of Pediatrics. Accessed December 30, 2016

How to raise a smart baby. WebMD. Accessed December 30, 2016

The best to stimulate your newborn’s brain development. Livestrong. Accessed December 30, 2016

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