Toe walking is fairly common among children who are just beginning to walk. Most children outgrow it  by the time they are two. However some do it out of habit . Some children also do it  for fun such as little girls walking on their toes when they are pretending to be a princess.


toe walking


Sometimes toe walking may be the result of cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy or short Achilles tendon. Children with autism may also walk on their toes even though many do not.



When to contact your pediatrician


You should talk to your doctor if your child :

  • walks on her toes most of the time
  • has poor coordination
  • has stiff muscles
  • seems to be unable to bear her weight on flat toes
  • loses motor skills she already has
  • has asymmetrical gait (the left and right sides seem to move differently)
  • development of fine motor skills such as picking up objects using fingers and thumb is delayed

Call your pediatrician if your child is still toe walking after age 2 especially if it is accompanied by tight leg muscles, stiffness in the ankle’s Achilles tendon or a lack of muscle coordination. He may refer your child to a specialist depending on his findings.


How is toe walking in children treated ?


Treatment options for toe walking caused by a  physical problem include the following :

  • physical therapy
  • leg braces or splints
  • serial casting
  • surgery

If it is associated with cerebral palsy , autism or other problems, treatment is focused on the underlying condition.


Content Sources
Toe walking in children. American Academy of Pediatrics. Accessed October 17, 2016

Toe walking in children. Mayo Foundation. Accessed October 17, 2016

Your child is toe walking. Baby center. Accessed October 17, 2016

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