Exercise can help you get into a good shape before pregnancy. It is also recommended that healthy pregnant women exercise during pregnancy. It is safe to continue or start most exercises during pregnancy. You may need to make a few changes. It will not increase your risk of a miscarriage, premature birth or low birth weight. However it is important to discuss it with your health care provider and seek his okay before you start exercising during pregnancy. You can both decide which one fits your needs and is safe during pregnancy.
What are the benefits of exercising during pregnancy ?
Exercising during pregnancy may be beneficial to you and your baby in the following ways.
- eases constipation
- reduces back pain
- promotes healthy weight gain during pregnancy
- helps you lose baby weight after the baby is born
- improves your overall general fitness and strengthens your blood vessels and heart
Is it safe for me to exercise during pregnancy ?
Women with the following conditions or pregnancy complications should not exercise during pregnancy .
- certain types of heart and lung disease
- placenta previa
- cervical insufficiency
- carrying multiples with risk factor of premature labor
- preterm labor and raptured membranes during pregnancy
- preeclampsia or pregnancy induced hypertension
- severe anemia
If you are experiencing any symptoms or have any concerns, stop exercising and contact your doctor right away.
Content Sources
Exercise during pregnancy. American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. http://www.acog.org/Patients/FAQs/Exercise-During-Pregnancy. Accessed June 9, 2016
Exercise during pregnancy. WebMD.http://www.webmd.com/baby/guide/exercise-during-pregnancy. Accessed June 9, 2016