Chest pain or pressure during pregnancy is not uncommon.  Some of it could be due to pressure from the growing uterus. You may also experience a burning sensation which is nothing more than a heartburn or acid reflux. Other changes such as increase breast size  as well as stress and anxiety can also result in this condition. However you should never take chest pain for granted. It could be a sign of a serious condition such as blood clot or heart attack.


chest pain


What to do when experiencing chest pain


While chest pain and pressure during pregnancy may be normal, it shouldnt be taken lightly. It could be due to a serious health condition.  You need to call your doctor if you are experiencing these symptoms as well shortness of breath and numbness down your arm.


How to treat chest pain during pregnancy


It is important to see your doctor when you have chest pain. However there are ways to minimize the discomfort when it is related to non emergency terms.

  • change positions often to ease the soreness under the rib cage caused by the uterus pressing on the rib cage
  • eat small frequent meals instead of one large one to ease indigestion
  • to avoid heartburns ,avoid spicy foods, walk after eating and dont eat large meals before bed

You should also lay on your left side to take the weight  of your uterus off your major blood vessels . This will help with your breathing.




Content Sources
Chest pain during pregnancy. The bump. Accessed June 16, 2016

Chest pressure during pregnancy. Live strong. Accessed June 16, 2016

Pregnancy symptoms : What they never told you. WebMD. Accessed June 16, 2016

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