A membrane sweep is a way of trying to bring on labor to prevent overdue pregnancy.  It is the first step a your health care provider  will do to try to get you into labor before trying other methods of induction. This is a drug free way of bringing labor on.


How is membrane sweeping done ?


The procedure doesnot take long. During an internal exam, the health care professional will inset a finger into the cervix and then move her finger gently but firmly. This is done to seperate the amniotic sac surrounding the baby from the cervix. The separation also releases hormones  ( prostaglandins) that may kick start labor.


membrane sweep


A membrane sweep increases the likelihood of labor starting within   48 hours . The chances of it working is greater if the cervix is already  soft and preparing for labor. However if your water is broken , membrane sweep is not recommended because it increases the risk of infection.


A membrane sweep can be uncomfortable  and the cervix may be difficult to reach before  labor starts. Some women find it painful. Engaging in  breathing techniques during the procedure helps you relax. You may experience cramping, spotting or irregular contractions immediately afterwards.


First time moms may be offered a membrane sweep at their 40 weeks and 41 weeks prenatal appointments. Some midwives offer the procedure every 72 hours. If you are not a first time mom, you may get this procedure at your 41 week appointment.


If you’ve passed your due date, you will be offered two or more membrane sweeps before other methods of induction are tried.


There is no guarantee that the procedure will start labor. However it does help some women avoid induction . If you dont want a sweep, you can decline.

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