It is normal for couples to feel a little disconnected after the baby arrives. Taking care of a newborn can be overwhelming and makes it difficult to spend more time with your partner.  A new dad may feel left out . However  when you settle in your new routine, there are ways that you and your partner can find closeness and intimacy.

make time

Ways to make time  for your partner after childbirth


Go on a real date : Arrange for a baby sitter. You can  get help from family or friends or hire a baby sitter. You can simply go for a walk, movies or dinner.


Be creative :There are so many creative ways to have fun. For examples you can grab lunch once a week or commute to work together. These are ways to help you stay close. You can also send your partner love note to let them know how much you love them.


Play games : Games are a great way to laugh and have fun. You can also do crossword or Sudoku puzzle as you snuggle in the couch.


Make a date night at home : When your baby sleeps  at night, you can use  the opportunity  to snuggle on the couch and watch TV or just relax. Spending a few minutes together will make a huge difference.


Make weekends fun : Pack the baby’s diaper bag or back pack and enjoy weekend fun activities such as going to the mall, parks and outdoors activities. These  are all baby friendly.


Content Sources

Nine ways to make time for your baby when baby arrives. Baby center. Accessed May 11, 2016

Making time for your partner after baby. Women’s Health Topic. Accessed May 11, 2016

Making time for your husband after baby. Parents. Accessed May 11, 2016


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